Friday, December 4, 2009

Hop, Skip and a Jump

Happy Friday!

I hope that the coming weekend will be full of fun and play and joy and those that you love the very most.

I know that this time of year gets busy and that most of us are running running running ... or in my case, hopping (but we won't go into that again). But, today, inspired by my sweet nephew, I have decided that I'm gonna try to be less ridiculously frenzied and anxious and more...




Wanna try it? I mean, if we're all hopping anyway, why not have some fun?

Just out of curiosity, can anyone out there click their heels together? I'm not sure that I can. I used to could, but maybe not so much anymore.

If you want to practice with me and the smiley-faced pumpkin above, you can find us in grocery-stores and post-offices and such-type places ... we plan to use the aisles as runways.

Come on! It'll be fun!

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