Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Furniture Plopping

Over the weekend, Handsome and I got a chance to tour our soon-to-be-home again. We spent time in each room deciding where the furniture would go. We got to imagine ourselves actually living there, the whole thing finally started to feel like reality. It was wonderful!

 This is it, by the way.

It's just a condo, but I think it's a kind of a secret condo ... a sort of condo incognito. I think it has aspirations of being an uncondo-condo. Can you see what I mean?

And this is just a door, I know, but I'm hoping it will be the portal through which loads and loads of friends pass. Please imagine yourself knocking here.

I hope that it's okay with you that I have you portal-passing in my mind.

I'll feed you too. Isn't this kitchen just screaming to have cinnamon rolls made here? And I am just the girl to make 'em.

And, I'll serve 'em here ... in the dining room to-be. It's just missing a table and some chairs and things.

Speaking of tables and chairs and things, during our visit, we figured it was a good time to make a furniture-plop-plan rather than doing it the day of the move when the movers, straining under the weight of forty-two book boxes (twelve, really, I have already packed them) and a dresser, ask, "Where d'ya want 'em lady?"

 Now, I will be ready with a definite answer instead of hemming and hawing and changing my mind and then sweetly asking for a quick, little shift from upstairs to downstairs ... again.

Movers frown on that sort of thing from what I gather.

Anyway, we heard from the bank today, and everything seems to be moving forward. All a-go-go, you might say. The actual closing date keeps skipping all over the calendar, but we have officially passed the point of wiggling out of the whole deal - at least on our end.

So, although I am a little hesitant to post pictures of something that is not officially ours yet, I suppose my excitement just proved to be greater than my prudence. See the above for the proof.

But, there is something else I am excited to share with you ... remember how I told you that I have been a bit anxious over buying a home? It's true, even on Saturday in the midst of planning and imagining, I had a bit of an anxiety attack. Panic set in, I got dizzy, and I had to sit down and breath deeply. Note to self, move paper-bags in first. Totally lame, right? Handsome lifted an eyebrow toward his weird wife and then continued his merry jaunt of turning on and off every light-switch in the joint. Sheesh, no sympathy. But then, why be so fretful and fearful over something that should be joyful? Absolutely ridiculous. I knew it to be truely goofy then, but I realized the why when this jumped off the page yesterday:

Acts 17:24-28a
24"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28'For in him we live and move and have our being.'" 

What?! I have been busy planning where to plop a couch, but God in His infinite love and wisdom has a divine plan for plopping me. It may be in the uncondo-condo above, or it may be somewhere else, but He has a plan for me and for you. Isn't that comforting? Isn't He good?!

I'll keep you posted on closing dates and the uncondo-condo and moving and plopping, but in the mean time, please find me here - X marks the spot - resting exactly where He planned for me to be today.

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