Friday, October 16, 2009


My sister. Serious, isn't she?

Nope, she's SMEYESING.

Or trying to, anyway. 

 This is the result of way way way too much America's Next Top Model.

This what happens to *normal* people like us when we try to smeyes. Seriously. If you haven't tried it yet, you're totally missing out.

I just wonder at Tyra's models. How do they not crack?

 Like this.

 Way too tickled and totally loosing it.

Can't stand it!
Look at the baby's face -- he's a bit worried. Poor baby.

After all the silliness, I one hundred percent recommend smeyesing with a good friend or two any day. We all need a good laugh now and then, right?

Reassuring the baby that mommy hasn't completely lost her mind.

My sister. She's beautiful and looking at these pictures makes my heart smile.

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