Friday, October 30, 2009

Shady, Cargo Ship Captain and a Gargoyle

 I love October - it's my very favorite month of all. I love the refreshing breezes, the smell of nutmeg and cinnamon, the color of the gourds and leaves, the fluffy, soft sweaters, and oh, the pumpkin everything! Don't you?

And now, October is nearly done - it makes me a little sad.

I wasn't originally planning to share this but ... the sadness above is compounded by the late and disappointing evidence that I am, once again, not pregnant this month, and I feel a reluctance towards letting go of the month that, at least for a couple of days, held a little more hope than most.

Now, feeling alienated from all of the sweet families with their children dressed as lions and cowboys and ladybugs, I'm struggling to separate the disappointment from the discontent. I was truly, truly wishing for my own little pumpkin this October.

Wouldn't that have been fun? I mean, to announce to friends that I'm doing a blog about learning to thank God for His faithfulness even in the midst of infertility, only to find that a pregnancy interrupts it all?! It would have been wonderful!

But that is not the reality this particular October.

As I write to you, the reality is that my heart is crying, "Oh Lord, PLEASE! Please, I don't want to be her! I don't want to be the woman who has to go without. I'll try to glorify You some other way, I promise! Please, please let me have a child. This is too hard." 

And quietly, I'm reminded of what I originally prepared to post:

This morning, Handsome left for work looking like this...

What is he? Why, he's the Shady Captain of a Cargo Ship, of course!

Yep, he made up that descriptor as he was walking out the door. Shouldn't a guy whose wife stays at home have a cooler costume than this planned for his Halloween-y work day? Probably. But, I did manage to get his shirt ironed - doesn't that count for something?

 And, can you see it there on his pocket? It's a BASS FISHING shirt, so it really fits in to the whole sea/ship costume theme ... sorta. Obviously carefully planned. Although, the hat might actually be an old Flying-Ace Commander's, I'm not sure and refuse to look closely enough to find out.

But look at his face.

 He's happy. He's carrying his keys, trying to get out the door for another long day at work, but he's happy.

And then, there's this guy...

 A Shady, Cargo Ship Captain and a Gargoyle.

Oops! And I am suddenly reminded that I forgot! In all my disappointment, I forgot to be thankful - Lord, help me, I did it AGAIN!

We may not have any pumpkins here, but we're bursting at the seams with Ship Captains and Gargoyles ... and I am so thankful!

And, funnily enough, on that thankful note, we'll slide right into my runner-up-favorite month, November!


  1. I LOVE all the teeth, the ship captain's & the gargoyle's!

  2. Awwwwwww! I love you and am so proud of you! I finally figured out my loggin to this place!
