Monday, October 19, 2009

House Hunting

Is now a good time to buy real estate in Southern California? Some say yes, some say NO WAY! Both opinions make rather impassioned and excellent points, so how is one really to know? I mean, really? 

I had mentioned in an earlier post that we were putting an offer in on a home for the first time ever - our dream home. Located only two miles from here...

Sigh and golly, I love it there.

But there is a small problem with there. It is located seventy-five miles from Handsome's work. Figure in LA traffic, and he was looking at a two hour commute each way daily -- much too much.

You know something? Practicality, responsibility, reality ... all are really rotten.

We had to let our small beach home go. Not to mention a real Ace of a real-estate agent.

There is something oily about real estate agents. Have you ever noticed that? I mean, finding a good one is like finding perfectly-fitting, designer jeans on clearance. Nearly impossible. It's true, real estate agents are a step up from, say, safe-crackers and pick-pockets, but I'm almost sure they refer to each other as Plug This and Shorty That over working lunches and at conventions.

The future of our property ownership seemed bleak. How would we find someone to help us in this area?

Well, funny story...

We had met a nice-ish realtor in a certain suburban town at an open house months ago, and so Handsome suggested, "Let's risk it. Let's shop suburbia with that guy. What was his number?"

We searched high and low, but we couldn't find his business card, his email, his number, or nothing.

"No problem," said I ... very sure of myself ... and I jumped online to search for him. After all, I knew that his name was M. something, he was young 60s-ish, friendly face, with a mustache. Couldn't remember which company he worked for, but that didn't seem to matter too much because I quickly found his face and number at a Caldwell Banker.

I am so great at this online research stuff! Oh yah. Well, sorta ... keep reading.

We contacted M. on Saturday, arranged to meet him in the easily commutable burbs at 2 the next day - yesterday - and that was that.

Only it wasn't just that was that, because two and a half minutes after walking into his office we realized, this is NOT the guy!!! True, he had the same basic facial arrangements, but the man in front of us was less sweaty ... more retired cop.

Eek! My heart sorta panicked! This isn't the guy! This isn't the guy! All the world knows how shady real estate agents are - or can be! Who is this? What will become of us? Oh! The humanity!

I sat in the back of his Mercedes and prayed. I prayed, "Lord, we've entrusted this whole housing search to You. This isn't the man we meant to contact, and this process is so difficult. Please work this out and give us wisdom."

What do you suppose happened? The guy asked, "So, what sort of things do you two usually do on Sundays?"

Well, it all came out...

Us - We go to church 

Him - Where? 

Us - Grace

Him - WHAT?! That's were I go!

Ha! You could have knocked me down with a feather! Which would have been fine because Mercedes seats are remarkably soft and supple.

Funnily enough, we had all been at the same church service that morning! In fact, he had emailed us from his Sunday School class - while his wife was poking him in the ribs and telling him to cut it out. He and his family have gone to our new church forever. In fact, his wife goes to the women's Bible study that I am planning to attend on Wednesday -- yep, the same Bible study I skipped last Wednesday for fear of not knowing anyone.

This agent wasn't the guy we meant to contact, but God in His loving provision, connected us to the man HE meant for us to meet.  God is so good! I don't know where the house hunt will lead, but I'm very thankful for the way things worked out yesterday.  :)

FYI, I'm hoping that the hunt will lead us to a home big enough for ... more. It's true, after eight years of trying to conceive, we have not been successful yet, but we are not giving up our hopes for a family and there's always adoption ...

More on that soon!


  1. I just love when God works out the details.....He's so much better at it than I am!

  2. I love this post. Coming from a family of Realtors, I *do* know that finding a good one is a challenge, and boy, finding one at your church whom you like - well, that's even harder! I loved reading this! :)
