Monday, July 12, 2010

Owl Wisdom

You know how owls are supposed to be smart?

At least, that's the idea I got about them in elementary school. A Beka Books, anyone?

Huh. I just did an online search for A Beka Book's, and their logo is completely different now. Didn't their books used to have studious looking owls on the spine? When did that change?

Oh well, I suppose it doesn't really matter because what I really love about this, my newest owl-creation-thingy, is that this owl doesn't look like it has all the answers yet.

It's just thinking. Kinda like, "Ehmmm? What was the question again?"

But that's okay. Beauty before brains, right?

Besides, I didn't make this owl for any ol' scholastic book spine ... or even old Tootsie-Pop commercials. Remember those?

Boy - "Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie-Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?"
Mr. Owl - "Let's find out. One. Twohoooo! Three."
Mr. Owl - "Three."

Silly, old owl. He was smart, but he cheated!

Anyhoooo, I made this owl for my sweet, little goddaughter, and now that they have met, I really do think that just maybe, this owl wasn't thinking but *waiting.* This smart bird was actually looking forward to and up towards what was to come...


How'd that bird know?

Her mommy texted this picture to me, and the big, happy smile on her face makes my heart glad.

I know that it's been a long time since I last posted about infertility and things. But, to briefly catch you up, here's what you should know... I still don't know the answers to life's hard questions. Echo the owl, "Ehmmm?"

But, I'm ever waiting, hoping and trusting that because of Jesus the best is yet to come.


  1. I love your creation-thingys! They're so delightfully quirky, but sort of perfect and imaginitive. Your goddaughter is beautiful and she looks so happy holding her owl. So sweet.
