Friday, February 26, 2010

Burst of Sunshine

I want to share these with you.
A sweet neighbor brought these to my door a couple of days ago.
Aren't they pretty?
She brought them in a mason jar - which somehow added to the beauty and sweetness.

 I  nearly cried when she offered them.

And not just because daffodils are so fresh and Springy and pretty, though they are all those things, but because her gift was so thoughtful - so simply kind.

It made me wish that I had thought to give them to her ... and to all my friends.

 I've been carrying them with me wherever I go in the house.
  It's like toting a burst of sunshine.

 I sure hope that someone brings you your own burst of sunshine today or tomorrow or one day really soon. 

Until then, I say, snatch up this totally great idea, grab a mason jar and some daffodils, and make someone's day a little brighter!

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