Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Soul Calibur IV (it's a video game)

A couple of weeks ago, Handsome and I celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary. Golly, nine years! The time went so fast and what has become of us?

I'll tell you.

Every morning around 5 a.m., before he leaves for work, he wakes me up to tell me that he loves me and kisses me goodbye. I both hate and love this at the same time. Hello, I'm sleeping here! But, truthfully, I mostly love it.

Even mushier, every night, before we fall asleep, one of us will undoubtedly say, "I'm rolling over now, but I still love you." This started way back in the beginning when we were first married and learned that no matter how much you want to cuddle cheek-to-cheek, it just doesn't make for comfortable sleeping. Eventually, somebody has to roll over. Thus our little saying. Goofy, huh? Wanna know the best part? A couple nights ago, he told me "but I still love you" mid-snore. He was sound asleep, but he still loves me.

And during the day? Being that we don't like to be apart, weird things start to happen. Things like this...
What's he doing?
 Uhmmm, he is playing video games from the kitchen while I make dinner, of course. 

I told you we like to be close ... and we are weird.

See those three drawers under his legs? I only have to get in and out of 'em about fifty thousand times while making dinner, but he doesn't seem to mind. Neither do I.

He is the best.

I should probably mention to you too... see those flowers? Those were from my precious neighbor. She can't seem to go a day without thinking of others. I just love her. See that blue candle? That is one of those Volcano scented candles from Anthropologie - a gift from my sweet sister-in-law. I don't know what a real volcano is supposed to smell like, but gosh, this candle is the best smelling thing EVER! I don't light it very often for fear it will go away too soon. Truly, it's a wonder I ever get anything done 'cause I really just want to keep my nose shoved in that blue glass.

Lastly, see that cookbook to the far far right? That's the Pioneer Woman's cookbook. She is fabulous and has her own blog. In the mornings, I have completely given up reading headline news, and instead, I go straight to her site for fun and inspiration and current events that don't send me into a panic. So, all that to say, if what you are looking for is a *good* blog... 

Here, at this blog, you will simply find a girl amazed at her fondness for video games.

Well, that makes nine years down, only ninety-nine short, sweet, happy years to go!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so this has nothing to do with your post, but have you decided on a color to paint your kitchen? I'm waiting!
