Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Costco Coupons

I have been on a bar stool hunt since January.

Bar stools are tough though, aren't they? I mean, they can be really pricey, and finding one with a comfy seat is nigh to impossible.

I began to despair of ever finding a decent set ... seat ... set of seats.

And then, Lo! The Costco coupon packet arrived:

Your dear, ol', neighborhood, warehouse store 
has bar stools in stock this month! 
And on the cheap!"

I loaded up and buzzed off to Costco ... in the MINI.

But, alas, I arrived too late. All sold out. Shucks!

So, not in stock after all, hey? They really should have hung a sign on the door or something. I wandered the giant aisles for hours calling to my chairs.

Not really. I knew going in that there was always the chance of finding a big, fat, flat or shelf or something of nothingness where the stools should have been. Costco is like that - if you find something you like, you gotta pounce fast and quick and in person. 

Still, it was all for the best, I suppose, because returning two days later with a rain check PLUS my sweet neighbor, we found two bar stools waiting, wrestled the big boxes into carts, steered carefully through the masses a.k.a. Costco crowds, heaved and shoved my purchase into her SUV and brought them home. Where I clasped my hands with girlish glee and delight.

These boxes never would have fit into the MINI, by the way. So, to my friend and neighbor, you know who you are, thank you. This kind of purchase is always so much more fun to make with a friend.
Now that they are home, they'll go here. Like this...
Just gotta build 'em.

All the parts and pieces, boxes and wrapping... kinda feels like Christmas.
Nearly there! 
Building a chair!

(And they say I'm not a poet?)
One day, I might be able to afford furniture that does not come in a box complete with an Allen wrench and a set of instructions.

But, I ask you, where will the sense of accomplishment be in that?

Whatcha got going? He seemed curious, but didn't offer to help.
Belly up to the bar, folks!
Truly, these seats are here for you. Come sit. We will chatter and sip Ginger Beer.

"Ginger Beer!? Ginger Beer!?" - Name that movie...

If you haven't yet seen Nanny McPhee Returns, hang on, I will grab my hat and we will go together.

It is the best movie I seen since, well, since Nanny McPhee's first adventure.

Funny, now that I really think about it, I wish I was the kind of girl who wore hats to the theater... or at least flowery barrettes. The kind they sell on Etsy.

"Let me grab my flowery barrette and we will go!"

No, that doesn't really work for me either.

Still, please come for a visit soon, have a squishy, comfy seat at my kitchen bar, and we will discuss happy things like coupons, neighbors who turn into friends, pets snoozing in the sunshine, recent successes, sugary sodas, hair accessories, and good movies.

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