Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Effecting Change

Sometimes, some things just don't work out.

The equation, Flowers + Bunnies, does not equal a friendly, mutual agreement and understanding in regard to leaving entryway decor alone as a means of producing joy and pleasure to all who view.

Flowers + Bunnies = Dinner. That's just the way it is.
Can you tell by the picture that the side flowers have been completely gnawed-buzzed-chewed off? If you think that what those bunnies took is bad, you should have seen what they left behind. It was an awful mess, but we will lightly skip, or as the bunnies do, bounce over that and leave the subject in the dust.

These are the struggles that try one's soul.

In an attempt to save our little splash of Autumn color -the very decor that I went on and on about, that I agonized over, that I was so relieved to put into place- it has been relocated to the balcony.
High above the ground and safe from all hungry bunnies.
The new arrangement from the other angle...
I like this angle better too. I love how it looks like the plant on the table is stretching and waving its flowers and saying, "Hey! Look at me! I'm here too!"

Funny thing, this new location should actually be better for the plants. I didn't mention this before, but the tags that came with the plants read, FULL SUN. I just choose to ignore that fact when I shoved them into the shade next to our front door.

I thought that you might like to meet one of our change effecting culprits, so I sneaked up on tip-toes to snap a photo... be very very quiet...

Dern, missed him.

Here, let me draw you a picture - this should give you an idea of what we are dealing with.
Pretty good, huh? Can you tell that I used good, ol' Bugs Bunny for reference? Are you surprised to learn that I used any reference at all?

I know, it's bad. Now you know why Handsome is the paid artist, and I am just the, well, not even the recreational one. Still, the big mouth captures the essence of those rascally, plaguing, chomping-on-my-flowers rabbits.

Anyway, sometimes, some things just don't work out. And sometimes they do. Now, at least this way, if one day soon you find ravenous bunnies in your yard, you will know to grab your potted flowers and run for the hills ... or balconies, whichever suits you best.

If one day, you find a bunny like the one above, you might wanna hike up your skirts and run for your life.

*Please keep reading my posts, I promise not to draw again this year.

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