Sunday, February 27, 2011

Job Landing

After what comes near to 32 years or something close to it outta work, I very surprisingly landed a job.


I can't believe it either which is why I have to spell it out for myself every time.

Maybe you have wondered why in the world I have not written to you since the last snow fall (it snowed here again yesterday by the way - short, fast flurries followed by sunshine and gobs of it, but it did snow!), and now you know. I have been working. Well, yes, I say working, but what I have really been doing is working at adjusting to working.

The job that I landed (or rather that has landed on me), is a writing job - believe it or not. I have been desperate to chatter all about it with you, but after writing for the man all day, the best I could do was to sorta store up and catalogue stories to tell you in sort of a back-logged fashion. I have missed you so, and it's high time we got caught up - don't ya think?

So, first things first.

A new owl moved in!

This is him.
Isn't he cool?
He's a wooden puzzle owl. He is exactly the kinda of tactile, puzzle toy I loved when I was little, and now that I'm big, he's still just the perfect toy.
A gift from friends. Handsome and I really do have the best sort of friends.

In addition to being the coolest toy ever, I think that he is particularly fitting to physically express my overall approach to life change... i.e. starting a new job after nearly 53 years of homemaking.

Watch this...
This is me before I started that new job:
Cool, calm, collected, pulled together. Not a care in the world. Looking a little tough, right?

This is me after:
Ha! It's been nearly two months since beginning work, so truly, life is starting to adjust, and I really am getting used to my new schedule - sorta.

I wish that I could say that I was here:

But on most days, the good days, the closest I get to normal is here:
 Not quite right, but getting closer, wouldn't you say?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Snow in Santa Clarita

The most amazing thing happened here yesterday. It snowed! It snowed in Southern California!
I never dreamed that we would ever see our house covered in snow - ever! Never ever! But look!

Can you tell that he is standing there in his socks? He's super-tougher in the cold than I am.

Handsome and I couldn't believe our eyes. You have to understand, having lived in places that receive real snow as part of the whole winter process, we know that snow in January is ... well, regular. BUT, when the rain drops in Santa Clarita turned all kinda fluffy and crunchy on our windshield just a mile from home, we were seriously in awe. We rubbed our eyes like tiny, Christmas tots. Could it really be real? Snow? HERE? Could that really be SNOW falling?

It was WARM just a day before -- kids barefooted kinda warm, and now, fluffy, gentle, soft, REAL snowflakes were falling.

We raced home to catch the snow on video -- we were sure that it'd be gone in minutes, but as it turns out, the bits we caught on video was just the beginning of the snow that was to come. As the evening rolled on, the snowed continued to roll in on us.

It was beautiful.
Tee-hee! I know, we totally geeked out on the snow, but it was sooo neat-o!

I wonder when it last snowed in Southern CA? Anybody happen to know?

This is all that was left this morning, and now it's all nearly melted away, but it was something special, and a really neat way to start the New Year.
With such an oddity as an opener, I wonder what the rest of the year will bring?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Vasquez Rocks

Handsome and I have been doing lots of exploring lately. We still feel rather new to the Santa Clarita Valley area, and I have to tell you, it keeps surprising us with its beauty and variety.
These are Vasquez Rocks. Do they seem familiar to you somehow? If they do, it's just because Hollywood LOVES these rocks. Look for them in old episodes of Star Trek, The Lone Ranger, Bonanza, etc. We're pretty sure we have seen them in some newer stuff too -- NCIS, anybody?
This park is a perk to living along/on top of the San Andreas Fault? I guess that's one way to look at it.

This picture scares me half to death -- just where exactly was I standing when I took this? Or better question, on what?

Being partial to the ocean, the desert keeps surprising me. Wait. Did I already mention that? The whole surprise thing? Yep? I did? Well, color me surprised - I just plain am.
The pointy, most pronounced rock is the most famous I suppose, and I really did try to take pictures of the surrounding area, but this one rock is hard to avoid. Truly, it has the funniest way of popping out from behind trees, and I just had to snap its picture ... over and over and over, so it would seem.
 The pointy rock from far away.
Ooo something different! I just love the yucca plants. They remind me of living in Colorado when I was little and learning how to ride a bike. They were always there to catch my fall.


No kidding. Don't know how I did it, but if I was gonna fall, it was either on top of one of these pokey plants or some other sort of rotten cactus, but still, I love 'em.
And then suddenly, we are back and just a little closer to the pointy rock. I read on Wikipedia that the pointy rock has been nicknamed "Kirk's Rock" due to all the times it was used in Star Trek. Not being a Treky? Trekkie? Trek-ker? myself -that is to say, I don't go to Comic Con every year- I really don't know if that bit about the nickname is true, but even so, "Beam me up, Scotty!"
Regardless of Hollywood, rock formations in the park really are so pretty - so graceful - so powerful. In this way, they are much like the ocean. Beautiful and dangerous all at the same time. God's creation is often like that, isn't it? Now, why was I surprised?
 5 "Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens,
   Your faithfulness to the skies.
6 Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
   Your justice like the great deep.
   You, LORD, preserve both people and animals.
7 How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!
   People take refuge in the shadow of Your wings."

Psalm 36:5-7 (New International Version)

10 Mile Hike

I love California.
Putting, for a moment, a pin in politics.
 Setting aside earthquakes and landslides and temps in the 90s in November.
These pics are from a mountain very near to our home, and I love it here. This picture, although kinda dark (sorry), is looking down into the valley where we live.
 It was a ten mile hike, but oh, so beautiful. I wish that you could have come along.
Next time?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sensational Giveaway - Winner!

The hat from which the winning name was pulled.

I am very happy to announce that the winner of the $25 HomeGoods gift card is ...


Try to imagine her name in lights - flashing and bold - Vegas style.

And also try to imagine a WOOOP! WOOOP! siren clanging in your ears too. Something loud and happy like you might hear at Six Flags or a carnival.

Kimberbates, you WIN!

Handsome pulled your name from this very hip hat. A hat which is so hip, in fact, that neither of us is hip enough to wear it - ever. We just keep it around in hopes of being hipper one day. Handsome was a bit surprised that we actually did the whole "drawing a name out of a hat" thing, but we did, and so for that reason, we were very happy to have a hat - hip or otherwise - available. 

That lil' scrap of paper says "Kim"- short for Kimberbates, of course.
Thank you for playing along everybody!  I loved hearing from each of you.

Kim's gift card.

I am secretly hoping that she will use her winnings to buy a decorative owl ... I hear that they are very popular this year.

*A special note to the winner, I did a little digging this morning, but I don't think that I have your address. Would you please email that information to me? And I will drop your gift card into the mail asap. Congrats!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sensational Giveaway

Centsational Girl, a home decorating and do-it-yourself project blog, is hosting a 'Mom Cave' link party and contest next Monday, October 25. The top prize is a $250 gift card to HomeGoods, and you can read all about the contest and participate if you are a mom by going here: Centsational Girl
The $250 gift card is a fabulous prize, and the contest sounds like a fun way to celebrate moms, BUT in order to participate, you must be a MOM. That's right, a mom. If you have never given birth, you do not qualify. This hurts my feelings, so in an effort to boost the spirits of everyone left out, I am doing my own HomeGoods giveaway just for us ... though on a much smaller scale.

I hope Centsational Girl will understand.
$25 Gift Card to HomeGoods
To enter for a chance to win this gift card, all you have to do is:

1) Know someone who has been born
2) Love someone who has been born
3) Have been born
4) Leave a friendly comment

That should include just about everyone.

No 100 word entries necessary here. By the way, how many moms do you know have time to sit around and write 100 word entries? Just a thought.

So, to re-cap, be breathing and post a comment (just one please!) below.

Tell me anything. Tell me how you would like to spend $25 at HomeGoods. Tell me who you love. Tell me what you are collecting. Tell me your favorite kind of pie. Any of those answers will do.

Just be sure to respond by Monday, October 25 at 8 p.m. Pacific.

Monday night, Handsome will randomly pull one name from a hat, and I will post the winner Tuesday morning.

I hope it will be you!
Green Hooty - a latest and greatest HomeGoods find. He volunteered to hang onto the $25 gift card until the winner is announced. Ain't he sweet?!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Struggling on the Cement

The day started early.

Before the sun was up, I was behind the wheel and driving Handsome to the train station in the dark because he wanted to get a jump on his work day. The streets were quiet and all the street lights were green - all was peaceful except my mouth.

In my heart, I am truly thankful for Handsome's job and his work ethic, and although I hate to admit it, you should know that I grumbled at him the whole way to the station.

"Why are we up this early?"
"Why aren't we going to the other, closer train station?"
"Why didn't you have a better plan in place for this morning?"

Yep, that is how I helped him start his day.

That I would grumble at him because I had to take him to the station early in the morning is ridiculous.


Mind you, it is not like I had to hurry home to get ready for work, take care of children, or do anything during the day that I did not really want to do. The day was free and easy - just like every other day. He works and provides, and I live in the lap of luxury. A very cushy deal. I could have come home and crawled back into bed and slept for hours while he, without complaining, began his long commute and work day, and I had the audacity to grumble at him.

Do you ever wonder at yourself? Just sorta, "Who am I and what is the deal?" Some days I could just gag on my own sense of entitlement and laziness. Should do, anyway.

You know, it didn't even occur to me to feel rotten about my behavior until later... much later. Like now later. I was too concerned about the day ahead to worry about how I had treated him.

Next on the morning's agenda was something new and fun; I was meeting up with a new walking buddy, and as I waited outside for her to arrive, I decided to rescue earthworms from the sidewalk. I found a leaf and started scooping up the worms and tossing them back into the grass. I was thinking very highly of myself too for being so merciful and good and patient while I waited.

I scooped and tossed and scooped and tossed until I really started to get grossed out by the slime and the wriggling and the distrust - "I am trying to help ya here!" I became completely overwhelmed too. There were worms everywhere, and there was no way I could rescue all of them. Rain has been falling falling here lately, and I suppose the worms have been rinsed right out of their homes. I looked around and gave up. My mercy reaches a limit at grossed out and overwhelmed - so it would seem.

So, I waited for Laura, averting my eyes from the ground where worms still struggled on the cement. 

When she arrived, I was relieved to leave the worms. Not my problem, and I had done what I could after all, and wasn't rescuing worms weird anyway? 

Laura is an artist and a cancer survivor, and her conversation is full of words like inspiration and create and technique and design. She is the kind of person that when you are done talking to her, you kinda feel challenged to DO something - anything - just stop sitting around and try to be better than you are... or at least do try to be more interesting.

When she and I finished our walk, my head was buzzing. What have I accomplished? Do I have any talent? Purpose? What should I do? Should I start a creative project? What would that look like? Where does Handsome keep those paint brushes? And why did I promise not to draw again this year?

But, by the time we got home from our walk, I was already late for Bible study, so I ran into the house, grabbed my purse and car keys and ran back out again. I was in a mindset to get on track, to find a purpose for my time and get going, but that would have to wait. It was time to shift gears and focus on some other ladies and, oh yeah, Bible study too.

Since I do not know many of the women in the Bible study group yet, I wanted to be at my best - be impressive and witty and pretty and all of that if you know what I mean. But, as you might remember, I had just put my best foot forward with the other new walking friend, and I was all out of decent feet. In fact, as I sat down, I was pretty sure that I could smell my sweaty tennis shoes.

That is about the time that the sweet, elderly woman seated next to me asked how many missions trips I had been on and to where. My answer? "Uh, yah. Some. Way back in high school, but I've moved a lot since then, so ya know..."

Ugg. So lame.

How is it possible to manage so much failure before 10 a.m.?

And then the Bible study began and this is what I heard:
 "Commit your whole life to the Lord, especially if it looks drastically different than what you had in mind. Don't despair and become frustrated in the seasons of waiting that the Lord might allow you to go through. Rather, ask Him to allow your spiritual eyes to clearly see His hand in every aspect of each season. Fully engage and rely on His Spirit to empower you to do what He has called you to do."

Thank you, dear Priscilla Shirer, for that word, but here is the thing, you just totally shifted my thinking.  Any time I am faced with words like frustration and disappointment, my mind immediately goes to infertility. So for a minute, while we finished Bible study, I forgot about my appearance and desperation to fit in and really started to think about my purpose in Christ - without children.  What could there be for me to accomplish instead? How can this life be used? I have no idea. But the theme of the lesson seemed to be all about moving beyond the devastation, anger and fear, and to the relief of trusting that God's plan is best.

For a long, quiet time, I continued along, waiting to get pregnant, caving in on myself some when it didn't happen, and creating a small, self-centered little life. And then, Handsome and I moved. In fact, the move came at just about the time I was feeling a bit more at terms with the idea of never having children. Is it coincidence that I suddenly find myself surrounded with women who are not so concerned with where you are or where you have been, but what are you accomplishing now?   

I was wondering on this idea when yet another new friend, Esther, leaned over and asked me to lunch.  She must not have noticed the stinky tennis shoes, worm-slime still clinging to my fingers, the grumbling guilt, or the look of perplexed confusion, do you think?

Esther is originally from Iran. Her features are dark and lovely and her perspective is different than that of almost anyone I have met. At lunch, she talked about the persecution of Christians and escape and the abuse of unloved women all over the world and the importance of voting in our next election. She talked about things so much more important than the frivolous things which I worry over and become consumed.

Stunned. I left our luncheon stunned.

And horrified at myself.

It was a rough morning. It wasn't even one in the afternoon yet, but my perspective had been completely altered - shaken out of myself - rattled into reality.

And now, all I can say is that I am so glad that God does not give up on us. He is merciful and just. He does not become too grossed out by our self-centered slime but has covered it and washes us clean. He is gentle and loving when He scoops up our lives to move us in unexpected directions. Our problems are never too overwhelming for Him, and He doesn't even give up on us when we do not trust Him and complain that we would have preferred to have struggled on the cement and died because that was our own purpose and plan.  
He is gracious and has been so good to this worm.

I don't think I have a purpose for sharing this with you except to record the morning. I don't want to forget the order of events or their effect.

Truly, I am not sure what to do with the encouragement - the exhortation. Would you?

So, for now, I am clinging to this...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

...and you can believe that I will be kissing on Handsome a little extra tonight.